be honest but be nice


6:37pm 04-15-2024
hey wg! i just wanted to think you for leaving this website up even after the terrible experiences you went through. i genuinely cried a little after reading through everything (sorry if that sounds weird) because of how much it hit me -- in the absolutely best way possible. i dont know you personally and may never will, but your one of the coolest people i'll ever know. youre fucking hardcore and i mean that shit. HUGE congratulations on sam, i wish you guys the very best! you totally deserve it more than anyone else. i'm truly happy that youre able to leave our house without seeing demons anymore, HUGE win. you seem really cool (i myself as am weird as heck don't even argue with me) and i'm rooting for you!!!!!
- another depressed teenager with an mcr addiction and far too much free time
12:51am 12-05-2023
i hope you are doing well!
3:46pm 08-13-2023
I came across your site from searching up sites tagged as MCR, you have great music taste. Your drawings are great too
9:34pm 07-11-2023
you know who
i waited for 2 hours at the library to see if you would come back. i know its a long shot but if you see this please come home. i miss you and i'm so sorry for what happened and i'm not mad at you.
4:34pm 07-11-2023
we're really really sorry. everyone is worried about you. please come back
11:43am 07-10-2023
holy shit... you really are crazy..
5:31pm 07-09-2023
i had no idea you made art like this. it's pretty cool man
12:24am 07-09-2023
are you serious westra? ur so hilarious. everyone else is gonna think so too
11:19pm 06-16-2023
Do not neglect your duties to the world. Your destiny is more important than interim distractions.
7:42pm 05-13-2023
wait are you actually seeing demons? where do you even find them?
9:30pm 05-08-2023
i have a terrible headache and your site is making it worse
10:44pm 04-12-2023
Just a little guy :)
I'm not sure what this is yet but it's very intriguing
12:56am 03-21-2023
i love the vibe just like me frfr
12:40pm 02-21-2023
girl are you ok lol
8:05pm 01-27-2023
Love is a mirror sea a mile wide. Keep listening.
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